ProWeight Loss

People in Massachusetts use a foam roller as part of their workout for a variety of benefits they offer. Foam rolling is a way to relieve pain from the myofascial connective tissues you can do for yourself without the aid of a massage therapist. It can help relieve soreness, reduce inflammation, and improve range of motion by reducing tightness. When used for self-myofascial release—SMR—the use of a foam roller focuses on trigger points. It can speed muscle recovery and reduce pain.

You can warm up or cool down with foam roller exercises.

Many people own foam rollers and keep them in the back of the closet, waiting for the next sore muscle. You can get more use from them by including them in every exercise routine. Doing foam rolling before working out improves circulation. Just like stretching, it helps prepare the muscles for the demand of a workout, and afterward, it can boost recovery. Roll slowly over tight or tender spots until it softens, normally meaning release.

Like any massage, it can reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and help relieve pain.

People use massage therapy to help reduce pain caused by tight muscles. It’s one of the reasons most people use foam rollers. While there are only small studies, the popularity of the foam roller to reduce pain is proof it works. One small study followed that using a foam roller for 20 minutes after exercising and for 20 minutes 24 and 48 hours later can help reduce pain and reduce the potential of DOMS—delayed onset muscle soreness. The group using the foam roller also improved their exercise performance compared to the group that didn’t follow a foam roller protocol.

Most people use foam rollers for back pain or relaxation.

Unless you have a live-in masseuse, a foam roller can provide a huge benefit. Whether you sat at the computer too long or attempted to move an immovable object, back pain can be debilitating. While massage guns, heating pads, and backache patches work well, a foam roller can work the muscles in areas you can’t reach on your own. Using it both horizontally and vertically can open the back and release the muscles causing pain.

  • Foam rolling can improve your range of motion. Tight muscles and knots may be limiting factors that can cause injury, pain, or limitations. Increase your range of motion and reduce potential injuries by combining foam rolling with static stretching.
  • Increase circulation to tight areas like a massage. Getting a massage works wonders for increasing circulation. The fist, elbows, and fingers of the therapists provide the pressure and release. You’ll get the same pressure from your body weight on a foam roller.
  • Foam rollers may help reduce the appearance of cellulite temporarily. Cellulite is caused by fat poking through tight fascia to create a lumpy appearance. They help relax the fascia and reduce that appearance.
  • Foam rolling is safe for most people but always check with your healthcare professional first. Foam rolls on dense muscles and avoid bones, joints, and connective tissue like the IT—iliotibial—band.

For more information, contact us today at ProWeightLoss