ProWeight Loss

Every weight-management program should include a detoxification component. In addition to being an emergency energy source, the body’s non-essential fat reserves serve as a depository for toxic substances. Heavy metals and other toxins are encapsulated in the fat cell. When doing our program our unique Weight Management Formula stimulates the brain to release FAT from the cells. As that fat is solubilized, the toxins that have been deposited in it will be released into the bloodstream. Unsupported, the body’s elimination systems will be unable to keep pace with the increased flow of toxins. Most importantly these TOXINS cause your metabolism to slow down, such that you gain weigh much more easily and lose it with a lot of difficulty. This is one of the reasons why some people experience more plateaus than others. This increase in toxicity will also inhibit the immune system, which is why we incorporate the Detox Formula into the program.

If the idea of detoxing appeals, you might try clean eating that focuses on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein; essentially whole foods without a lot of processing. It’s good for you and more likely to give you results that last, especially if you make exercise a habit. By limiting processed foods or foods that are high in fat or sugar, and implementing clean eating, you will lose weight and get your body into tip top shape. Some natural detoxing foods include green tea, lemon/lime, ginger, celery, cucumber, mint leaves, cinnamon, and cranberry.

Programs including a detox plan can help in weight loss, however, it is important to continue with a healthy maintenance plan to stay on your journey, and not return to unhealthy eating habits or lifestyle; otherwise, the pound will pile right back on.