When you think of stretching, most people picture stretching when you first get up. Stretching wakes and warms the muscles and is usually accompanied by a yawn. Animals do it, too. It’s called pandiculating. Stretching should also be part of your exercise program and be more than just a stretch getting out of bed. It improves flexibility to help you avoid injury. You use stretching to warm the muscles before working out and to cool down afterward. If you stretch after your muscles are warmed, you can increase your range of motion.
Start the day with more than a stretch from the bed.
When you first wake up, your body temperature is lower. It slowly rises throughout the day. Your muscles are extremely relaxed, so it’s a good time to stretch. You’ll warm your muscles and can increase your range of motion. It boosts circulation, energizes you, and prepares the muscles for work. Yoga poses like the cat/cow or child’s pose limber your back and prepare core muscles for the day. The shoulder shrug, standing quad stretch, knees to chest, and glute bridge are also good morning stretches.
Stretching can prevent lactic acid buildup during exercise.
Lactic acid can build in the muscles if there’s not enough oxygen. It doesn’t happen if you’re fit and the workout is mild. However, when you push yourself too hard or you’re out of shape, it can occur. Lactic acid can build up too quickly to be carried away. When lactic acid builds up it causes the muscles to hurt. Stretching aids in removing the lactic acid and reducing the pain it can cause. If you’re unfit or perform a grueling workout, it can build up too quickly for the body to remove. Stretching helps shorten the process of removing lactic acid. It helps reduce the potential for pain.
You’ll improve your posture when you include stretching in your workout.
Poor posture can cause or increase several issues. It can cause headaches, breathing difficulty, incontinence, heartburn, and constipation. It also can cause other less common physical problems. Strength-building exercises can help improve posture. Stretching also plays a vital role. It helps loosen muscles to allow you to have better posture.
- When you’re stretching before exercising use dynamic stretching. It involves moving that’s similar to your next exercise. After your workout, do static stretching to cool the muscles and extend the range of motion.
- Improved posture can affect your mood. It can improve your self-image. It also makes you look more self-confident so people treat you with more respect. Improving posture also makes you look thinner.
- Stretching before a workout is heart healthy. It slowly increases circulation and doesn’t cause blood pressure to spike. You can increase circulation throughout the day by getting up and stretching.
- Use stretching for active recovery. If you worked out too hard the day before and have muscle pain, a stretching session can help. The increased circulation helps send oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. It relaxes them and provides movements similar to an internal massage.
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